Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Random book find

The Compassionate Life


Lisa said...

That Scribd is very cool... I'm going to have to check it out further. Nice selection, and I especially like the cover.

Ms. Green-Clean said...


I just visited your site to see how you were doing and found your blog!

Great! I've had your site as link on msgreenclean.com and just added it to my blog there, too.

Hope all is well. You should get a facebook page for yourself and for your business...and then network your blog there, too (networkedblogs.com).

Glad you are well.

We should get together for knitting. I haven't done any in a few months. I have a baby blanket I need to finish before my friend has her baby soon!

Did you know there's a knitting night, Mondays, from 7-9 I think, at Indian Road Cafe (http://indianroadcafe.com/Welcome.html)? I've never been, but maybe we can meet there one night. Let me know.

Also, Marcela Xavier (www.nourishingmoms.com) is probably (she's waiting to sign lease) opening a yoga studio in about a month at B'way and 207th Street.

Parle-leur de batailles, de rois et d'éléphants by Mathias Énard My rating: 5 of 5 stars This is an amazing book, and I was fortuna...